We are a family church

A lot of focus is placed on babies, children & teens. We have a children’s program called Flipside for ages 3-12, who are dismissed from the service after about 20 minutes. We also have a Family Room for parents and kids ages 1-2 as well as a privacy room for mothers & infants.  Our Flipside kids are signed in using the KidCheck system.  We can help you set up if it is your first time at the info table at the front entrance.   All our children’s workers are screened & trained.

We are a multigenerational church

Like a family, we have ages running from the very young to the very…experienced. We don’t cater to one particular age here, so you will find a great variety in our music, depending on what Sunday you show up & who is leading the worship team.

We are a lively church

We encourage people to express themselves in worship as they feel comfortable, so you may see people lifting their hands as a sign of adoration to God. You may see people having an emotional reaction such as crying or laughing or you may see someone dancing. The Bible talks about many ways to express our worship to God & we believe different people express themselves in different ways.

We are an interactive church

We encourage congregational involvement throughout the service. You may see some people going to the front for prayer, you may hear someone telling a story from their seat of what God has done for them or asking for prayer. You may also hear someone speaking in a language other than English, followed by someone interpreting what that message meant. This is called the gift of tongues & interpretation & you can read about it in 1 Corinthians 12.